
Barry Minkow: From scammer, to preacher, to defendant

Barry Minkow: From scammer, to preacher, to defendant On Thursday, Rev. Barry Minkow faces a sentencing hearing in a Florida courtroom where federal prosecutors have recommended a five-years jail term. Here’s the story of his rise from a convicted felon… Continue reading

how do i import music from my zune application to windows movie maker?

by ken mccown

Question by i_sing_rly_good: how do i import music from my zune application to windows movie maker? Everytime i try to a window pops up and it says – The file C:\Users\TOSHIBA\Music\Zune\Miley Cyrus Things (Single) 7 Things.wma… Continue reading

Why i don’t they have a Harry Potter game apart from the movie Games?

Question by Chlo…: Why i don’t they have a Harry Potter game apart from the movie Games? I like the look of the movie games don’t get me wrong but don’t u think it would be cool if you… Continue reading

From the iW Vaults | Mark Gill: “Yes, The Sky Really Is Falling.”

From the iW Vaults | Mark Gill: “Yes, The Sky Really Is Falling.” This month indieWIRE turns 15. In honor of our decade and a half in the game we’ve dug through our vaults to uncover some old goodies. Check… Continue reading

How can I import songs that from media player to movie maker if they are “protected using digital rights”?

Question by Why would I tell you my name?: How can I import songs that from media player to movie maker if they are “protected using digital rights”? I want to add some music to a movie i’m making… Continue reading

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