
Funny TF2 Quality Test (HD)

So basically I haven’t made a frag movie using the in game movie maker in a long ass time, and I have been interested in maybe making some TF2 videos. I set up a config to boost my graphics and… Continue reading

Funny TF2 Quality Test (HD)

So basically I haven’t made a frag movie using the in game movie maker in a long ass time, and I have been interested in maybe making some TF2 videos. I set up a config to boost my graphics and… Continue reading

5 year old needs a job before getting married – funny!

This 1 minute clip is part of a 15 minute video where my little sis discusses her views on life and decides she isnt going to let anything come between her and her goals. She was five years old here.… Continue reading

MMV: Funny Happy Birthday Song

~~READ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3/5/09 ITS MY LIL BRO’S BIRTHDAY! SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY 10 YEAR OLD BRO ETHAN 😀 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My 2nd MMV! The Funny Happy Birthday Song by The Arrogent Worms (NOT ADAM SNADLER). Watch, comment, and rate it… Continue reading

‘Dude nudity’: What’s so funny?

‘Dude nudity’: What’s so funny? Chris Nashawaty: In ”Hangover” and elsewhere, full male nudity is a cue to laugh; comfortable with it? Read more on Entertainment Weekly

Things that go thump in the night The haunting began in the wee… Continue reading

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