
Flash Game Fridays – Nyan Cat FLY!

Thanks to Matt for my new background, check it out! Check out my friend MrMonkeyP00: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Welcome to Flash Game Fridays, the series where I play a flash game, and then challenege you to beat my score! Today’s… Continue reading

How Does A Video Game Make More Controversy Than A Movie?

by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer

Question by Sir Wolfex: How Does A Video Game Make More Controversy Than A Movie? The question is pretty self explainatory. Here’s an example: which do you think made more controversy-GTA… Continue reading

Blender Tutorial – How to make a Quick Car Game + spinning wheels HD by Jason Ege Ozer Part 1

Hey guys, this is my first Blender tutorial. This video shows how to make a quick car game. Enjoy! -Subscribe and rate 5 stars if you like it and I’ll make more tutotials in the future. Check out this site!

Q&A: How do you make a movie of you playing a computer game?

by Frabuleuse

Question by Nijg: How do you make a movie of you playing a computer game? Kind of like printscreen except moving? I’ve seen it done, and I want to know how to do it.

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

Q&A: Why is it so hard for video game production companies to create a good ‘movie-to-video-game’ adaptation?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by lonmanmv05: Why is it so hard for video game production companies to create a good ‘movie-to-video-game’ adaptation? Alright. First off, let us get things straight. There are a few games out there based on… Continue reading

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