how would you make a movie a bout the halo game series?
Question by : how would you make a movie a bout the halo game series? I heard they tried but the main character wears a helmet so it wont be heavy on the emotions now will it?
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how can i make a flash game or movie?what should i do?what should i get?please answer specifically…?
Question by litejems94: how can i make a flash game or movie?what should i do?what should i get?please answer specifically…? specific instructions about making a flash game or movie
Best answer:
Answer by chop sticks_Juliusyou… Continue reading
Classic Game Room – RIVAL SCHOOLS review for PS1
Rival Schools review. Classic Game Room reviews RIVAL SCHOOLS for PlayStation 1 from Capcom released in 1998, an awesome fighting game that needs to make a comeback! Rival Schools United by Fate was originally released in the arcades in 1997… Continue reading
Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Game Review (N64/Gc/Wii/3DS)
Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Game Review! My LOZ OOT Review is the most viewed on YouTube 4yrs Running! This game is now remade for the Nintendo 3DS too. My band’s Album – Ocarina of Time… Continue reading