Q&A: A class I’m taking required gender role reversals…help needed?
Question by Michelle Annette: A class I’m taking required gender role reversals…help needed? I’m taking a class where the teacher is requiring us to write a paper on gender role reversals. We have to do a role… Continue reading
How do characters learn gender in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast?
Question by xxilikethewayyoumovexx: How do characters learn gender in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast? How do characters learn and perform gender in this film (specific examples preferred)? How do this movie help its audience learn gender? What comment do… Continue reading
Why do people jude movie viewing by gender?
Question by Henry Olter: Why do people jude movie viewing by gender? The other day I was talking to a co student of mine about my interest and like for the movie series Twilight, and he… Continue reading
Why do people jude movie viewing by gender?
Question by Henry Olter: Why do people jude movie viewing by gender? The other day I was talking to a co student of mine about my interest and like for the movie series Twilight, and he went on a… Continue reading
Coppola: Gender no obstacle for me
0109-08 movie making Image by cloneofsnake Turns out they’re shooting at Jimbo’s Bar & Restaurant. Look at all those people, just for one scene in a TV show!
Coppola: Gender no obstacle for me Sofia Coppola has said she never… Continue reading