
Key Girls Tribute (Air, Clannad, Kanon, Little Busters, & Planetarian)

Urgh!!! Whenever I try to upload a video made from sony vegas youtube always denies it now!! I have like 3 videos that i need to post!!! Well again I was inspired by another person’s video (holysumon) and decided to… Continue reading

101 things guys wish girls knew but they don’t.. haha are they true? readd!?

by foreverdigital

Question by hey stephen

What kind of story can i make with just only 3 charaters ( girls ) ?

by Jairus

Question by Cookies 😛: What kind of story can i make with just only 3 charaters ( girls ) ? Please i need help asap its for a grade! should i make like a jealousy movie like… Continue reading

Q&A: 1950’s Monster movie question for girls only!?

by caribb

Question by rockerxxx: 1950’s Monster movie question for girls only!? I am part of a internet movie making studio and got some questions for the girls. The movie we are doing is the 5o foot woman vs… Continue reading

Girl’s Guide – Cassadee Pope (Hey Monday)

Hey Monday’s leading lady Cassadee Pope showed three lucky fans how to rock out at Buffalo Exchange in NYC. Liked this video? RATE & SUBSCRIBE! *Awesome Sites* http *Be Our Friend!* http

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