
Q&A: Do movie critics make good money?

Question by da man: Do movie critics make good money? just wondering do movie critics make good money cause it sounds like a fun carrier but do u actually make any money….

Best answer:

Answer by Jeffy sweet tooth.… Continue reading

What is a good free software that I can use with a kodak zi6?

by Kaustav Bhattacharya

Question by : What is a good free software that I can use with a kodak zi6? The software Media Impressions that came with my kodak doesn’t save to my computer if I make a video using… Continue reading

What’s a good all-around programming language to learn as a hobby?

by arimoore

Question by : What’s a good all-around programming language to learn as a hobby? also, what programming languages to scientists use most often? and in making blockbuster movies?

Best answer:

Answer by BroodymA good one to start… Continue reading

what are good movie ideas?

Question by Carli: what are good movie ideas? My neighborhood friends and i(when we are bored) make movies..but now we dont really have any ideas..and we were assigned over the summer to make a movie to present for our… Continue reading

I need help finding a good movie editing software?

Question by Bryan C: I need help finding a good movie editing software? I plan to make an A Cappella video and I ned a certain movie editing software that can make atleast 4 screens at once and can… Continue reading

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