Q&A: If you have a great screenplay, what is the best way to pursue making it a movie?
Question by Anna: If you have a great screenplay, what is the best way to pursue making it a movie? How do you get it into the hands of a producer/director?
Would it be wise to get your friends… Continue reading
What do you do when you have great ideas and projects but family doesn’t care and have no friends?
Question by trobop: What do you do when you have great ideas and projects but family doesn’t care and have no friends? I came up with this idea to make up illustrated stories and mak them into movies using… Continue reading
Q&A: Which musician’s or actor’s life would make a great biographical movie?
Question by Tiffany B: Which musician’s or actor’s life would make a great biographical movie? I definitely would like to see a movie about Marvin Gaye’s life, The Debarge Family, Vanity or Prince, and of course Tupac… Continue reading
What makes a movie better, great special effects, or a great storyline?
Question by B B: What makes a movie better, great special effects, or a great storyline? Just your opinion Thank you all for the replies. One more question, if you do prefer movies with a great… Continue reading
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
www.ted.com Simon Sinek presents a simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers — and as a counterpoint Tivo,… Continue reading