
Q&A: What is a great way to learn After Effects?

Question by Smyth: What is a great way to learn After Effects? I got an old, unused copy of AfterEffects from a relative a while ago, but have been unable to learn on my own how to use it… Continue reading

Q&A: what do you think are the keys to making a great movie?

by graciepoo

Question by garnessilva: what do you think are the keys to making a great movie? please list the steps

Best answer:

Answer by Keith Perry1) The actors. Well known goes a long way! 2) The plot.… Continue reading

How do you achieve great slow motion?

Question by McKay: How do you achieve great slow motion? I’m planning to get a Canon Vixia HF200, and I plan to make some action movies trying to achieve the great slow-mo fights/action scenes, like the one in 300,… Continue reading

The Great Cake Bake – WeddingTV

Sian Lloyd hosts the show where three top cake makers battle it out to win the heart of a bride to be by creating her the most over the top, extravagant one-off cake for her big day. In this episode… Continue reading

What do you recommend as a Great Comedy Movie?

Question by IceAngel: What do you recommend as a Great Comedy Movie? Okay so my friends and i are hanging out today and we usually go to blockbuster and rent a movie but the problem is that we usually… Continue reading

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