Q&A: Youtube has tons of cheesy fanvids! I want to make really great fanvids! Can someone help me figure out how?
Question by JoeyAlmetta: Youtube has tons of cheesy fanvids! I want to make really great fanvids! Can someone help me figure out how? Hey there, so yeah, youtube has tons of fanvids w clips from movies, music… Continue reading
Q&A: What defines a great movie?
Question by Eddie B: What defines a great movie? We have critics who show us their opinion by the direction of their thumbs, and we have countless magazine reviews that tell us what we should see by handing out… Continue reading
Q&A: What are some other great independent films- like paranormal activity?
Question by Ed: What are some other great independent films- like paranormal activity? i am looking for successful independent films. movies that did not cost as much money to make as the ones all done in hollywood, but they… Continue reading
If you had a story that you believed would make a great screenplay/movie, who would you contact?
Question by Spartacus: If you had a story that you believed would make a great screenplay/movie, who would you contact? I believe fact to be better than fiction and i have researched a really good story, but where do… Continue reading
what makes the movie Twilight so great?
Question by thelastasian14: what makes the movie Twilight so great? I was wondering why so many girls like it so much. What is about that movie? And where is the best place I could watch the movie for free… Continue reading