Is the ContourHD video camera a great camera for making movies or homemade movies?
Question by Kenny: Is the ContourHD video camera a great camera for making movies or homemade movies? When I say movies, I mean a movie with a plot, script, director, and actors/actresses. I am a 15 year old movie… Continue reading
Q&A: Where can I get a great program that can make movies, is free, but not Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Brian T: Where can I get a great program that can make movies, is free, but not Windows Movie Maker? I’m planing on Making an AMV, but i cant seem to find a decent program that can… Continue reading
Q&A: What is a great video editing software to use when making short films/movies or music videos?
Question by Veronica Trish: What is a great video editing software to use when making short films/movies or music videos? Please include your reason/s for your preferred software. Thanks you! 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by HydraulicTurtleOne you should… Continue reading
Q&A: If you have a great script/screenplay, how do you pursue making it into a movie?
Question by Anna: If you have a great script/screenplay, how do you pursue making it into a movie? What are some steps you should take? How do you get noticed by producers and directors? What if you want to… Continue reading
12-29-08 Monarch Mountain Great Colorado Powder Skiing at Monarch Mountain with blue skies.
Great Colorado Powder Skiing at Monarch Mountain with blue skies. When this snow melts it will make for great Colorado white water rafting on the Arkansas River.