
Q&A: A great hilarious, brilliant, idea for a video? we are making a movie (short movie) and we want it to be funny?

by Charlie Perez

Question by lolita: A great hilarious, brilliant, idea for a video? we are making a movie (short movie) and we want it to be funny? Please give us all of your ideas! They have to be… Continue reading

Q&A: How can I contact Dr. Linda Seger—the author of “Making Scripts Great,” “Create Unforgetable Characters,” etc?

Question by isabellath: How can I contact Dr. Linda Seger—the author of “Making Scripts Great,” “Create Unforgetable Characters,” etc? I’d like to discuss with her, or her agent, about the right for translating her precious works into my language.… Continue reading

Great MJ moments ! PART 1 of 4 (taken from private home movies) the REAL Michael Jackson!

his childlike-ness is endearing beyond words, i love you so much Michael, you’re one of the sweetest most caring loving people to have ever lived. part

What Song Titles Would Make Great Movie Titles?

by Steve Rhodes

Question by Vapor Trails: What Song Titles Would Make Great Movie Titles? For the following genres:

Horror/ Thriller Comedy Romance Sci-Fi/ Fantasy Adventure

And why don’t we just through “Adult” in there as well 🙂 Whoops,… Continue reading

The Great Debate. PC vs Mac?

by Chris Pirillo

Question by MB3019: The Great Debate. PC vs Mac? Alright, the question that has been asked probably thousands of times already. However before I begin, let me just note that I have searched and researched but… Continue reading

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