
21 Guns ( new version + solo + lyrics )

I was thinking that the new 21 guns would probably sound better w/ solo.. So I decided to give it a shot and mix the new 21 guns with a version of live 21 guns performed by Green Day at… Continue reading

Q&A: Movie Guns?

Question by bennarh b: Movie Guns? i am a new filmmaker and still looking for tricks to make holywood movies, but my bigestest question is, the gun used in holywood movies are they real and what type of guns… Continue reading

Q&A: Movie Guns?

by milesgehm

Question by peg_sey: Movie Guns? i am a new filmmaker and still looking for tricks to make holywood movies, but my bigestest question is, the gun used in holywood movies are they real and what type of… Continue reading

Do you need a license for making a movie with fake guns, and should you get the police involved?

by Ken Lund

Question by AJ: Do you need a license for making a movie with fake guns, and should you get the police involved? I want to make a movie, possibly using my school, neighborhood, ect. I heard… Continue reading

GUNS DRUGS & DIRTY MONEY – Movie Trailer 02

The official web site is Gritty Detroit Crime Movie Garners Film Festival Nominations Independent Detroit filmmaker makes award-nominated new heist flick Guns Drugs & Dirty Money as loving tribute to the hard-bitten Motor City. The film has been nominated… Continue reading

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