hand making vacuum tubes Part 2
————————– *UPDATE* Hello people! Someone has informed me that this man’s name is Claude Paillard. They also told me that he is a French amateur radio operator and he has a website! The address to his website is: paillard.claude.free.fr I… Continue reading
Right Or Left? Brain Stimulation Can Change The Hand You Favor
Right Or Left? Brain Stimulation Can Change The Hand You Favor Each time we perform a simple task, like pushing an elevator button or reaching for a cup of coffee, the brain races to decide whether the left or right… Continue reading
Survival Fire Making : Friction Fire with Hand Drill
primitiveskills.com Maine Primitive Skills School instructor Nick Spadaro teaches the hand drill friction fire method. Visit us online at www.primitiveskills.com Video Rating: 4 / 5
hand making vacuum tubes Part 1
————————- *UPDATE* Hello people! Someone has informed me that this man’s name is Claude Paillard. They also told me that he is a French amateur radio operator and he has a website! The address to his website is: paillard.claude.free.fr I… Continue reading