Jewelry Making with Beaducation, Coiling Wire by Hand Part 1
Join Lisa Niven Kelly of as she gives you a quick overview on coiling wire by hand. Learn tips and tricks to get perfect coils that you can incorporate into all your projects. Watch as Lisa covers the basics… Continue reading
The movie Grease, about 15 min in Frenchie makes a hand gesture?
Question by student: The movie Grease, about 15 min in Frenchie makes a hand gesture? What does that mean?!?! It was after some random girl flipped up Sandy’s skirt and Frenchie waved her hand at the girl and I’m… Continue reading
Explosions in the sky – Your Hand in Mine
PLEASE READ: Ethan: Music video I made as part of my AS Level Media coursework. This is my own interpretation of the piece. The “Shakey” camera in this video is for effect, and this video was edited using Windows Movie… Continue reading
How to cut Dovetail Joints by hand
Dovetails hand cut by John Bullar from Furniture & Cabinet Making magazine Video in HD
How do we make a hand drawn animation movie without scanner?
Question by ,: How do we make a hand drawn animation movie without scanner? My goal is to draw thousands of pictures to make a movie without scanner.Trust me I’m a professional at drawing many pictures I just don’t… Continue reading