
Unknown, unpaid and unrecognized: Life as EMS volunteer hard on family life but also rewarding

Unknown, unpaid and unrecognized: Life as EMS volunteer hard on family life but also rewarding Michelle Quick, chief of EMS in Battle Mountain, with daughter Cora, juggles a job, volunteer work and motherhood in the rural Nevada town. / Marilyn… Continue reading

which software is good for make dvd from computer hard disk?

by Brian E. Ford

Question by Jeeten: which software is good for make dvd from computer hard disk? i have movie in computer hard disk , how to make dvd from it ?

Best answer:

Answer by vonni_2Free… Continue reading

Will the Twilight movie make sense if I haven’t read the book? Will it be conusing or hard to follow?

Question by lemon.lime: Will the Twilight movie make sense if I haven’t read the book? Will it be conusing or hard to follow?

Best answer:

Answer by hottie♥no not at all. i have read the books 4 times… Continue reading

Is 250GB hard drive on a laptop a good enough amount of space… im just looking for a simple laptop?

by 4lfie

Question by Proud Mommy: Is 250GB hard drive on a laptop a good enough amount of space… im just looking for a simple laptop? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Compaq+-+Presario+Laptop+with+Intel%26%23174%3B+Celeron%26%23174%3B+Processor+-+Black/9700678.p?skuId=9700678&ref=20&cmp=RMX&loc=7&id=1218152461763

Watch DVD movies, listen to CDs and create custom DVDs and CDs… Continue reading

Why do directors have such a hard time making poems and books of Edgar Allen Poe movies good?

Question by Simply Ravishing: Why do directors have such a hard time making poems and books of Edgar Allen Poe movies good? I have read a lot of his work and I was at rental store and seen the… Continue reading

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