What song could I use for my history project on JFK’s assassination?
Question by P!ATD lover: What song could I use for my history project on JFK’s assassination? We have to make this movie using Windows Movie Maker and I need help finding a song that would have… Continue reading
The History and Review of the Fallout Series Part 2
In Part 1, I talked about the origins of the Fallout series beginning with the inventive Wasteland by Electronic Arts. I explored the heart of the series in Interplay’s Fallout 1 and 2, and talked a little about Fallout Tactics… Continue reading
Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin. Epic Rap Battles of History #10
New Epic Rap TSHIRTS: bit.ly Download this Song: bit.ly Click to Tweet this vid-ee-oh: clicktotweet.com Hi. My name is Nice Peter, and this is an Epic Rap Battle of History. These videos could not be possible without the help of… Continue reading
Israel’s War History
A comprehensive, chronological review of the wars and conflicts that have shaped Israeli history, and the growth and development of the famous Israeli Army — the IDF. From the British occupation of Palestine in 1917 to the latest Lebanon War… Continue reading
Q&A: If the new Star Trek movie reboots Star Trek history, why are trekkies upset?
Question by Jesus is my Co-Pilot: If the new Star Trek movie reboots Star Trek history, why are trekkies upset? I know a Trekkie all upset that the prequel Star Trek movie due out this year make… Continue reading