Making a movie?? Ideas?
Question by whatever: Making a movie?? Ideas? So i have to make a movie trailer over a movie bad news is that when it comes down to imagination i don’t have any and we are suppose to… Continue reading
I was wondering if any of you mothers and fathers knew of any websites or ideas on making birthday cakes?
Question by jmar2020: I was wondering if any of you mothers and fathers knew of any websites or ideas on making birthday cakes? Esp. cakes for the movie “Cars.” My little boy who will be turning 4… Continue reading
Sims 3 Ideas?
Question by ♥MiiSzAshley: Sims 3 Ideas? – Sims have more age levels baby-toddler-kid-preteen-teenager-young adult- adult-elder ( with more days in them) – Toddlers can now go anywhere with the family (in the car, and anywhere else with… Continue reading
Q&A: My friends and I want to make a short movie Any good ideas?
Question by duckxduckxgoose: My friends and I want to make a short movie Any good ideas? There are 3 of us. and we are making it with a small home video camera. we cant go outside… Continue reading
Any ideas on making a homemade movie?
Question by Thiettan: Any ideas on making a homemade movie? Just out of ideas and need some for making a short movie, comedy, action, anything. So bored…
Best answer:
Answer by season4digmondo a comedy of a guy drunk… Continue reading