How to Make a Composite Image (Photography tutorial by Dom Bower) (free software; GIMP)
Photo blog In this video i show you the steps from taking the photos that will be used in a composite image. A composite image is one that is made up of a couple of photos or parts of… Continue reading
Q&A: How to put image in front of words?
Question by Luke W: How to put image in front of words? HI. I have to make a magazine cover for my AS Media Studies coursework, and is worth 30% of my final mark.
[HOW TO] Reduce Image size and optimize Image Quality – Photoshop Tutorial
Adobe Macromedia Photoshop CS1 CS2 CS3 CS4 Pretty much all versions of photoshop, will work like this. If you enjoyed this video, make sure to check my other videos too. Camtasia Recorder ( PLEASE DONT ASK ME WHAT I USED)… Continue reading
How do I correct image ratio loss when taking screen shots with PowerDVD?
Question by Annie: How do I correct image ratio loss when taking screen shots with PowerDVD? I use PowerDVD and have been trying to take screenshots of movies and shows to make icons and graphics, that sort of thing,… Continue reading