How to make Windows Movie Maker accept MP4 files? Or a quick way to change MP4 files into MP3?
Question by Ryan W: How to make Windows Movie Maker accept MP4 files? Or a quick way to change MP4 files into MP3? Any help?
Best answer:
Answer by Cannon M.Windows Movie Maker support .asf, .avi,… Continue reading
What are examples of great scripts/screenplays that were poorly executed into bad movies?
Question by mrnoname: What are examples of great scripts/screenplays that were poorly executed into bad movies?
Best answer:
Answer by GladiaterIm not sure but what a great question
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I want to take 1 picture and 1 sound clip and turn it into a movie, and post it on YouTube. How?
Question by Butt-head: I want to take 1 picture and 1 sound clip and turn it into a movie, and post it on YouTube. How? First off, I have Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate OEM Edition.
I made… Continue reading
Q&A: What free programs can I use to make a short movie into a GIF file?
Question by Miley: What free programs can I use to make a short movie into a GIF file? What free programs can I use to make a short movie into a GIF file? I’d also like it if it… Continue reading
Q&A: my grandma wrote a book. who can i email to c what movie companies think about it to make it into a movie?
Question by wwe fan: my grandma wrote a book. who can i email to c what movie companies think about it to make it into a movie? the book is really good. its called “chained to… Continue reading