
Who and how can you tell someone “big” to make a book into a movie?

Question by MarsBar: Who and how can you tell someone “big” to make a book into a movie? i really liked this book, and i KNOW it’d be a great movie. how can i tell a producer or what… Continue reading

what goes into a movie?

by bslavinator

Question by him who is me: what goes into a movie? were making a movie like clerks only at a high school what could we put in for the lunch sence that would be funny

Best answer:… Continue reading

Q&A: Importing Songs Into Movie Maker?

Question by laura marie!: Importing Songs Into Movie Maker? I want to make a movie on Window’s Movie Maker. I’ve made one before, so I know the basics. I want to add some music into the background, so, obviously,… Continue reading

Lastest What Goes Into Making A Movie News

Navy Crew Members Defend Lewd Videos Colleagues Say Videos with Gay Slurs, Suggestive Shower Scenes were Welcome Entertainment on Board Read more on CBS News

Navy Crew Members Defend Lewd Videos Colleagues Say Videos with Gay Slurs, Suggestive Shower Scenes… Continue reading

Made Into Movies: From the Page to the Screen

A candid discussion of the practical aspects of adaptation with input from experts in every facet of the process Panelists: Sanford Climan, President of Entertainment Media Ventures, Inc.; Joel Gotler, literary agent, William Morris Agency; Neil Tolkin, screenwriter, Richy Rich,… Continue reading

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