
How Do I drag media into Windows Movie Maker? (Easy 10 Points!!!)?

Question by FanOFfootball: How Do I drag media into Windows Movie Maker? (Easy 10 Points!!!)? I just need to know how to, say for instance, transfer files from dailymotion onto windows movie maker to make a montage. First one… Continue reading

Q&A: Does anyone know if they are planning on making New Moon and Eclipse into movies too?

by Madilyn Peiper

Question by : Does anyone know if they are planning on making New Moon and Eclipse into movies too?

Best answer:

Answer by aperuhl[jw♥]It’ll prolly depend on how Twilight does, but I hope they do!

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how do u transfer a video file into movie maker?

by BenSpark

Question by Jess: how do u transfer a video file into movie maker? i have windows xp, and i have a few 2min videos in a kodak file, and i want to use them to make a… Continue reading

Q&A: What is a good book for a group of middle schoolers to make into a movie?

Question by : What is a good book for a group of middle schoolers to make into a movie?

Best answer:

Answer by JakeAny1 of the mortal instruments books

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How do I convert a URL into a file?

Question by : How do I convert a URL into a file? I seen a video online (no not utube) and below the video it has the url,embed and autoplay. Is there a way to use the url to make… Continue reading

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