How do I convert a URL into a file?
Question by : How do I convert a URL into a file? I seen a video online (no not utube) and below the video it has the url,embed and autoplay. Is there a way to use the url to make… Continue reading
How do i get clips from my dvd and put them into windows movie maker to make a music video?
by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer
Question by StuckInReality: How do i get clips from my dvd and put them into windows movie maker to make a music video? I have charmed season 5 and i want… Continue reading
Q&A: How do I get my idea made into a movie?
by Listener42
Question by red_necksuck: How do I get my idea made into a movie? I have a great movie idea. It’s a story about a boy who has to rescue his father (a pilot) taken hostage by militants… Continue reading