How could i request having a book made into a movie?
Question by : How could i request having a book made into a movie? So, i read a book, and i think it would make a really good movie, however i dont… Continue reading
Are they planning on making New Moon and Eclipse into movies?
Question by Rosalie: Are they planning on making New Moon and Eclipse into movies?
Best answer:
Answer by Film JediIt all depends on how the first movie does.
What do you think? Answer below!
Q&A: How can I Import YouTube videos that I’ve downloaded with RealPlayer into Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Nathan T: How can I Import YouTube videos that I’ve downloaded with RealPlayer into Windows Movie Maker? I can download the videos and view them, but when I try to import them into Movie Maker an error… Continue reading
What is the best way to make a video of all the Scrubs episodes combined into one file, like a long movie?
Question by sheepyzors: What is the best way to make a video of all the Scrubs episodes combined into one file, like a long movie? I have all the Scrubs episodes saved on my computer as Windows Media Player… Continue reading
What movie is it where a woman turns into a man?
Question by Lynn18: What movie is it where a woman turns into a man? In the movie this woman goes into this booth (or something like a booth). There is another woman outside of the booth who is advertising… Continue reading