In sims 2 how do you convert a communtity lot into a residential lot?
Question by Megan: In sims 2 how do you convert a communtity lot into a residential lot? I just started making sims 2 movies and i got a hospital and wanted to convert it to a residential lot so… Continue reading
Q&A: How do i “stitch” seperate frames into a movie or animation?
Question by Jannie S: How do i “stitch” seperate frames into a movie or animation? I,m lost.. I have a folder with thousands of frames, together they form a movie or animation. Does anyone know of some free software… Continue reading
Q&A: The book sthe hunger games into a movie???……read right now!?
Question by Time To Pretend: The book sthe hunger games into a movie???……read right now!? Well i was scanning around and they are thinking of making the book the hunger games into a movie!.. My first thought was…… “yay!!… Continue reading
If you could choose a book to make into a movie, which book would you choose ?
Question by micho: If you could choose a book to make into a movie, which book would you choose ?
Best answer:
Answer by JenJenStranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
Know better? Leave… Continue reading
How do you get music from a CD onto Windows Movie Maker (to put into a movie)?
Question by Mickey Mouse: How do you get music from a CD onto Windows Movie Maker (to put into a movie)? Not a burned CD, one from the store… Trying to make a movie with music.… Continue reading