Are they going to make Pretty Little Liars into a movie?
Question by Silverstein is my heroine: Are they going to make Pretty Little Liars into a movie? because that’s what i heard, but i’m not sure. it’s a book series by sara shepard, if that’s any help
Best answer:… Continue reading
Are they going to make all four books of the Twilight saga into movies?
Question by Are they going to make all four books of the Twilight saga into movies? They are making Twilight, the original book, into a movie coming out 12.12.08. Are they going to make all… Continue reading
Everybody Hates ‘Cars 2,’ Disney Weeps Into Pile of Money
Everybody Hates ‘Cars 2,’ Disney Weeps Into Pile of Money The New York Post points out that, even if Cars 2 has a lousy opening weekend, children are going to hound and nag their parents into buying enough Cars-branded merchandise… Continue reading
Latest ‘ Transformers ’ turns Chicago into a robot battleground
Latest ‘ Transformers ’ turns Chicago into a robot battleground Around this time last year, scenes of staged chaos were something of a routine for onlookers in the Loop. Explosions along Wacker Drive , car frames stalled over the Michigan… Continue reading