
Are they going to make Pretty Little Liars into a movie?

Question by Silverstein is my heroine: Are they going to make Pretty Little Liars into a movie? because that’s what i heard, but i’m not sure. it’s a book series by sara shepard, if that’s any help

Best answer:… Continue reading

Filmmaking pours cash into Asheville area

Filmmaking pours cash into Asheville area Restaurant owner Chris Canoutas can measure the impact of a big Hollywood movie production in straightforward fashion — by the number of pepperoni slices, pounds of pizza dough and jars of tomato sauce he… Continue reading

Will they combine New Moon and Eclipse into one movie?

by Ken Lund

Question by Lissa: Will they combine New Moon and Eclipse into one movie? or Eclipse and Breaking Dawn?

or will they just not make a movie for one of the books?

or will they maybe sign… Continue reading

Finding the Best Connections to get into the Movie Business?

Question by Hamid: Finding the Best Connections to get into the Movie Business? Now right off the bat I wanna say that i am not an aspiring actor or trying to make a quick buck. I just have this… Continue reading

A question for writers! If you had the chance to make your book into a movie, would you do it?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by Sιnтerklaas (Level 5’s a curse!): A question for writers! If you had the chance to make your book into a movie, would you do it?

Best answer:

Answer by PaulieI would do it.… Continue reading

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