Are they going to make Pretty Little Liars into a movie?
Question by Silverstein is my heroine: Are they going to make Pretty Little Liars into a movie? because that’s what i heard, but i’m not sure. it’s a book series by sara shepard, if that’s any help
Best answer:… Continue reading
Filmmaking pours cash into Asheville area
Filmmaking pours cash into Asheville area Restaurant owner Chris Canoutas can measure the impact of a big Hollywood movie production in straightforward fashion — by the number of pepperoni slices, pounds of pizza dough and jars of tomato sauce he… Continue reading
Will they combine New Moon and Eclipse into one movie?
Question by Lissa: Will they combine New Moon and Eclipse into one movie? or Eclipse and Breaking Dawn?
or will they just not make a movie for one of the books?
or will they maybe sign… Continue reading
Finding the Best Connections to get into the Movie Business?
Question by Hamid: Finding the Best Connections to get into the Movie Business? Now right off the bat I wanna say that i am not an aspiring actor or trying to make a quick buck. I just have this… Continue reading
A question for writers! If you had the chance to make your book into a movie, would you do it?
Question by Sιnтerklaas (Level 5’s a curse!): A question for writers! If you had the chance to make your book into a movie, would you do it?
Best answer:
Answer by PaulieI would do it.… Continue reading