How Do I add a picture into the newsaper title animation in windows movie maker?
Question by tegjunior22: How Do I add a picture into the newsaper title animation in windows movie maker? I am trying to make a movie in windows movie maker, and theres the tab that says title animations and you… Continue reading
Huge Bike Jump into a Pond 35 feet in the air
Thanks in advance for subscribing 🙂 Download this song for FREE at Subscribe to CSWS! – Check ’em out on iTunes – Film made by Devin Graham (Directed, DP, Edited) You can contact me through a… Continue reading
Movie about stolen idea turned into campy film ?
Question by Mr T: Movie about stolen idea turned into campy film ? A movie about a guy who writes a script and someone steals the idea and then makes a camp sorta version of it ?… Continue reading
Are they going to make Breaking Dawn into a movie?
Question by ♥ Molly Smiles ♥: Are they going to make Breaking Dawn into a movie? I really want them to make a movie out of Breaking Dawn. I know that they are making New Moon and Eclipse.
Best… Continue reading
Q&A: When does the next movie New Moon come into theaters?
Question by Twilight Lova!: When does the next movie New Moon come into theaters? Hi, I really want to see New Moon and I’ve heard that it is in the making and they have already cast some people, but… Continue reading