
Riding into the sunset: Remembering Doug Nye

MAKING OF: Servicio a domicilio Image by Charlie Perez Fotos de making of del cortometraje "SERVICIO A DOMICILIO" rodado en Guayaquil en octubre de 2007. Estreno en enero de 2008!!!

Picture shots of the short film "SERVICIO A DOMICILIO" (… Continue reading

How to change a normal movie into cartoon?

by Tricia Wang 王圣捷

Question by AnAm-DaMc: How to change a normal movie into cartoon? I have a regular movie (people not cartoon) and I want to add some effects to it to make it look like it’s a… Continue reading

Are they ever goin to make the Uglies book by Scott Westerfield into a movie?

Question by Jesus*Girl: Are they ever goin to make the Uglies book by Scott Westerfield into a movie? The question kind of explains itself but I just want to know. I am on the second book,Pretties and so far… Continue reading

Need Help in converting High quality video files into DVD without loosing the quality of the movie or video…?

Question by SeaHorseKing: Need Help in converting High quality video files into DVD without loosing the quality of the movie or video…? Hi frnds…how are u ?, I jus need someone to help me out in converting HQ video… Continue reading

What video game would you like to see made into a movie?

Question by zztopspin: What video game would you like to see made into a movie? I would like to see a Final Fantasy made into a movie. Maybe Final Fantasy VII? What video game would make a good movie?… Continue reading

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