What Shakespearean comedy do you recommend in turning into a modern play?
Question by candygrl_28: What Shakespearean comedy do you recommend in turning into a modern play? I am a senior in high school, and our English project requires us to do a Shakespearean comedy into a play set in the… Continue reading
Hibiki Kono climbs a brick wall after turning himself into Spiderman
News: www.thescottishsun.co.uk Clever Hibiki, 13, made his incredible climbing machine in school technology lessons. The lad, who is a big fan of the superhero, spent five months designing and making the gadget. He attached two giant suckerpads to the 1400-watt… Continue reading
What book would you like to be made into a movie?
Question by TAYLORR![:: What book would you like to be made into a movie? You know, as in the ones that aren’t already movies and as far as we know isn’t going to be made into a movie. Then… Continue reading
Lastest Making A Book Into A Movie News
Harmony Korine-Directed Short Film Starring Die Antwoord Set to Premiere at SXSW Film Fest Last year, Pitchfork chatted with Ninja , frontman for insane South African rave-rap crew Die Antwoord , and he mentioned that the band had made a… Continue reading
Stay-at-home moms turning into WAHMs
Stay-at-home moms turning into WAHMs In my pre-kid life, I never imagined that someday I’d be a stay-at-home mom — hey, I didn’t go to grad school to spend my days changing diapers. But when I held my first baby,… Continue reading