
How can I put together several youtube videos into one short movie?

Question by DC: How can I put together several youtube videos into one short movie? I want to download the actual videos (not the urls) into storage and paste them together and edit to make a short movie.

Best… Continue reading

How to Turn YouTube Videos into iPod Videos or MP3s etc.

Step by Step Video Tutorial (Mainly for Ryan :D) on how to get videos from video holding websites, and convert them into Audio files such as MP3, WAV etc. or video formats like M4A (iPod/Mobile) AVI, MPG etc. This is… Continue reading

Q&A: Do you guys remember the old kids movie where they go into a coloring book?

Question by Flo Olaf: Do you guys remember the old kids movie where they go into a coloring book? I think it was two kids, and they go into a coloring book, and a girl with rainbow stockings helps… Continue reading

who has heard that peter jackson is making “the hobbit” into a movie?

by the|G|™

Question by Clint S: who has heard that peter jackson is making “the hobbit” into a movie? yea, i can’t remember where, but thats what i heard. Ian mckellan or whatever is going to play gandalf. thats… Continue reading

Lastest What Goes Into Making A Movie News

Recent Articles Can Heroine Addiction actually be funny? If it’s up to the four fearless females of the Dallas-based improv troupe of the same name, then yes. Read more on SMU Daily Campus

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