
Becky Akers & Alex Jones: The Chronicles of TSA Crimes 2/4

Alex talks with Becky Akers, a freelance writer from New York who writes for The New American. On Tuesday, Becky wrote about the TSA accosting a 95 year old woman who suffers from leukemia, forcing her to remove an adult… Continue reading

Obama Joker poster (Alex Jones) featured on Spanish Newscast – 6PM version

Obama Joker poster (Alex Jones) featured on Spanish Newscast – 6PM version The two local Spanish stations, due to layoffs, have recently merged & rebranded themselves “Florida Central.” They specialize in what’s called “refritos” or “refried” news. It basically means,… Continue reading

Raymond Jones, Musician and Producer, Passes Away at 52

Raymond Jones, Musician and Producer, Passes Away at 52 *Raymond Jones, a hit-making songwriter, producer and keyboardist for the seminal dance band Chic, Whitney Houston, Jeffrey Osborne, Patti Labelle, Stephanie Mills and songs in five films by Spike Lee, died… Continue reading

Halo 3- Jason Jones missing poster easter egg

Everett (Bio Marine X419) has found a new easter egg! No joke! It’s the Jason Jones missing poster easter egg! It’s a poster that has Jason Jones and says he’s gone missing from the convenat attack on Voi. Watch this… Continue reading

Im trying to make a movie Indiana Jones kind of movie. Need help with historical artifacts with stories?

Question by skatafool50: Im trying to make a movie Indiana Jones kind of movie. Need help with historical artifacts with stories? any ideas are welcome. any legends and history is welcome.

Best answer:

Answer by raynor4000You could do… Continue reading

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