
does anyone know this movie title?

Question by tarobun: does anyone know this movie title? it’s a foreign, color film about a man and his son in a concentration camp during the holocaust. and i remember scenes like the dad was making a tank and… Continue reading

Anyone know of a good downloadable music player?

Question by GK: Anyone know of a good downloadable music player? Can anyone recommend a good freeware/downloadable music player for use on my PC? One where you can make playlists?

I have VLC player and I absolutely love it… Continue reading

Q&A: does anybody know the name of a movie where the characters fly on a plane and they lose contact with earth?

by by Lorena

Question by : does anybody know the name of a movie where the characters fly on a plane and they lose contact with earth? and when they land they discover that no one is left on earth,… Continue reading

I need something just like windows speech tool but where i can save what it says, you know the microsoft sam..

by Rich Gibson

Question by kevin w: I need something just like windows speech tool but where i can save what it says, you know the microsoft sam.. I need something just like that microsoft speech thing but where… Continue reading

I don’t know how to dance, but i have a question?

by lecercle

Question by : I don’t know how to dance, but i have a question? Okay so I really REALLY enjoy watching people dance and enjoy watching dance movies too, because i seriously wish that i could be able… Continue reading

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