
hey guys! somthin ’bout twilight…..REALLY need help(u dont hav 2 know anythin bout twilight 4 this)?

Question by fashion police: hey guys! somthin ’bout twilight…..REALLY need help(u dont hav 2 know anythin bout twilight 4 this)? ok, so i just hapnd to read this book called twilight by stephenie meyer.tis a romantic story of an… Continue reading

Q&A: Does Anyone know if their going to make a movie for Twilight??


Question by rstlne: Does Anyone know if their going to make a movie for Twilight?? Stephenie Meyer’s web site did’nt really give any info. on if they were making a movie for twilight or not, and i… Continue reading

Q&A: Does anybody know some tips for a good scary movie?

by Barry Gourmet and Raw

Question by Lily W: Does anybody know some tips for a good scary movie? I’m trying to make a SUPER REALISTIC scary movie. I already know how to make fake blood so you don’t… Continue reading

i want to know the name of this movie which is making me crazy…?

by Jason Hargrove

Question by : i want to know the name of this movie which is making me crazy…? the movie is actually a kid movie…ok here i go…there are 2 kids both girls and are sisters as well.… Continue reading

How do Christians know the movies they boycott are bad?

Question by The Producerâ„¢: How do Christians know the movies they boycott are bad? If they can’t make decisions on what movie to see by themselves, what decisions can they make by themselves?

i mean, that seems like a… Continue reading

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