Anyone know where I can download Windows Movie Maker?
Question by Ryanstheword: Anyone know where I can download Windows Movie Maker? Hey, I’ve finally decided to make a Sims 3 series for youtube, but I accidently removed Windows Movie maker from my computer. Does anyone know… Continue reading
twilight help…..plz clik here(u dnt hav 2 know anything ’bout twilight)?
Question by fashion police: twilight help…..plz clik here(u dnt hav 2 know anything ’bout twilight)? (ok, so i’v asked it earlier also.but i guess i still need help.)
so i just hapnd to read this… Continue reading
im making a short movie on the book the handmaids tale for my ap lit class and don’t know what songs to put in?
Question by : im making a short movie on the book the handmaids tale for my ap lit class and don’t know what songs to put in? i want songs that will really express the themes of the book. any… Continue reading
Anyone know what happened to the possible Halo movie?
Question by ♥A7X♥: Anyone know what happened to the possible Halo movie? I know I’m a nerd lol, but a couple years ago I remember reading in some xbox mags that a Halo movie was in… Continue reading
George Clooney is coming to St. Louis for the making of a movie in Feb. Does anyone know where to apply?
Question by mich67: George Clooney is coming to St. Louis for the making of a movie in Feb. Does anyone know where to apply? I am a Film Production major, and… Continue reading