How do I know what version of windows movie make I have?
Question by SkittlesYumm: How do I know what version of windows movie make I have? Im not sure what version of Windows Movie Maker i have so i was wondering how could I find out?
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Q&A: Does anyone know for sure if Jamie Lynn Spears’ contract was cancelled?
Question by Jenna G: Does anyone know for sure if Jamie Lynn Spears’ contract was cancelled? I have been reading about it but no one knows for sure. I know it may seem rediculous, but im 19 and I… Continue reading
Q&A: Do you know these movie quotes?
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I saw a movie a long time ago and I want to know what it is called?
Question by Anarghya: I saw a movie a long time ago and I want to know what it is called? I remember watching a movie a long time ago about a young woman who had a child… Continue reading
Im very interested in making flash movies, does anyone know were a good site is explaining how to do so??
Question by Dan M: Im very interested in making flash movies, does anyone know were a good site is explaining how to do so?? Im new to this and Im interested in created a flash cartoon. what program or… Continue reading