Does anyone know of any good video editing softwares, that are free?
Question by Angel B: Does anyone know of any good video editing softwares, that are free? I have Windows Live Movie Maker already on my computer, but I’m not able to add cool effects like, floating captions, arrows, &… Continue reading
Does anyone know of a program like Windows Movie Maker, but for music and mp3?
Question by alizonic: Does anyone know of a program like Windows Movie Maker, but for music and mp3? I want a program that lets you put together music into separate layers, kind of like the way windows movie maker… Continue reading
Q&A: Do you know any good tips on making a movie?
Question by Kayla: Do you know any good tips on making a movie? Hey, I’m almost thirteen and I have virtually nothing to do this summer. Other than a failing search for volunteer work that is.… Continue reading
Q&A: I write a story to make a movie but I don’t know what is my next step, who is my contact??
Question by : I write a story to make a movie but I don’t know what is my next step, who is my contact??
Best answer:
Answer by mugenhuntYou write the movie, then submit it to agents, film contests,… Continue reading
I need to know a movie title?
Question by airgeek11: I need to know a movie title? I need a movie title for class. I know the plot goes along the lines of two men flying in us military planes over a country where… Continue reading