
Learn basic Left-handed Crochet with Red Heart Yarns

Left-handed crocheting is easy when you know how. Learn the basics — making a slip knot, chain and single crochet — and you are on your way! Video Rating: 0 / 5

Learn Math – Money & Making Change

Penny and Bill know how to shake things up when it comes to counting money and making change. Cool songs and games provide plenty of practice with real-world skills. Learn about coins and how they relate to one another, strategies… Continue reading

When I have kids and they want to learn about religion, should I show them Religulous before anything else?

by Tor Lindstrand

Question by Idiocracy ?: When I have kids and they want to learn about religion, should I show them Religulous before anything else? I saw the movie Religulous last night, and I thought it was great.… Continue reading

Learn To Crochet – Starting Point

This is how to make a regular double crochet blanket. thecrochetcrowd.com This crochet demonstration is extremely popular and has taught thousands of people to crochet for the first time. Good Luck! Video Rating: 4 / 5

Bascially this is my… Continue reading

Whats an easy to learn 3d animation program?

by Joming Lau

Question by aldyraldy: Whats an easy to learn 3d animation program? i’ve tried a few, i dont remember what there called, but they were really confusing, and after trying for awhile i gave up. but for… Continue reading

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