
Where can I learn how to make 3D movies, much like Final Fantasy X?

Question by turkeyidfool: Where can I learn how to make 3D movies, much like Final Fantasy X?

What, exactly, is it called, too?

Best answer:

Answer by Rasen-Shuriken3d movies are made in an animator. But this is not… Continue reading

What’s a good movie to learn about being an effective leader?

by Profound Whatever

Question by inv3s7or: What’s a good movie to learn about being an effective leader? And what makes it one, what/how exactly did the characters (leaders) do/act?

Best answer:

Answer by jamMighty Ducks!

Give your answer to this question below!

Q&A: Check my grammar PLEASE! I need to learn better grammar so I can pass 7th grade!!?

by Christina Saint Marche

Question by pink_pie13: Check my grammar PLEASE! I need to learn better grammar so I can pass 7th grade!!? Please check my grammar! please tell me ANYTHING that I need to fix, grammar, spelling, puncuation,… Continue reading

Q&A: Check my grammar PLEASE! I need to learn better grammar so I can pass 7th grade!!?

Question by pink_pie13: Check my grammar PLEASE! I need to learn better grammar so I can pass 7th grade!!? Please check my grammar! please tell me ANYTHING that I need to fix, grammar, spelling, puncuation, word choices, anything. especially… Continue reading

[Seemile.com ] Learn Korean language Basic Conversation – 1.Basic conversation

You can see the whole lecture in www.seemile.com or in IPHONE Applicaiton store, search for “seemile” Lesson 10: Birthday and Korean holidays. This class is focused on cultural parts of Korea with expressions and dialogues used in special days in… Continue reading

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