Uploading video clip of a scene of a play … legal? illegal?
Question by grannysuze: Uploading video clip of a scene of a play … legal? illegal? Hello all.
There’s a debate in my theater group about the legality of uploading a video clip (not even a whole… Continue reading
Do you think a pharmacist should be forced to fill any legal presciption? Why or why not?
Question by Xavier: Do you think a pharmacist should be forced to fill any legal presciption? Why or why not? I asked this question yesterday and while I got a lot of interesting answers I wasn’t totally satisfied due… Continue reading
How would a company obtain the legal rights to sell movie stills?
Question by Nikki T: How would a company obtain the legal rights to sell movie stills? What sort of steps does a company have to take to sell movie stills? Would there be a way to choose… Continue reading
Q&A: Is this Legal? RPG clone Ogame?
Question by stevendsmith64: Is this Legal? RPG clone Ogame? Hi…I was looking around on the net for rpg scripts that i could buy to start a small mmorpg…well i find a site thats selling something called… Continue reading
Q&A: I’m making a movie. I need to know a legal question about using sound.?
Question by panag3: I’m making a movie. I need to know a legal question about using sound.? I am making a movie, and i was hoping i could use a sound that i found in a video game. If… Continue reading