
While making movie, using WMM, preview looks good, but the published copy will be missing letters in the title

by fybercom

Question by stillrising77: While making movie, using WMM, preview looks good, but the published copy will be missing letters in the title I use Windows Movie Maker on my HP pavillion that has Vista home premium. While… Continue reading

Should you Use Sales Letters Before you Cold Call

by Perfecto Insecto

Should you Use Sales Letters Before you Cold Call

Remember the numbers game? Well, that is the same thought behind sending out sales letters. The hope is that with every hundred or so letters, a few sales… Continue reading

Movie making a book made up of only letters?

by JKönig

Question by Kirstyn: Movie making a book made up of only letters? My friends and I are going to make a movie about a book that we really like. The problem is, is that it is written… Continue reading

Selling Resale Rights Ebooks: Boost Sales Letters to Boost Sales

by dbking

Selling Resale Rights Ebooks: Boost Sales Letters to Boost Sales

When selling resale rights ebooks it pays to study the sales letters packaged with the products and look for creative ways to improve them and make them unique.… Continue reading

Letters to the Editor Sept. 12

Letters to the Editor Sept. 12 I learned the following from the Sept. 8 article “No DQ, but plenty of questions,” regarding last Sunday’s Del Mar Derby. The stewards did not speak to any of the riders before making their… Continue reading

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