List of movies that show teenagers making mistakes because of alcohol?
Question by alexia_star_2002: List of movies that show teenagers making mistakes because of alcohol? I’m working on a paper and I want to mention some of the movies out there. My stance in the paper is that… Continue reading →
Lady Gaga tops Celebrity 100 List
Lady Gaga tops Celebrity 100 List The Queen Monster’s $ 90 million in earnings and mastery of social media pushed her past perennial winner Oprah Winfrey. Not that Oprah’s doing badly. Read more on WFLX FOX 29
Springville offers class… Continue reading →
I am making a movie list, can you help me find out if movies like this exist?
Question by wictoria: I am making a movie list, can you help me find out if movies like this exist? it is kind of rare that I like movies. the only movies or shows that I like… Continue reading →
Tips on making a list to a teacher who is writing my college recommendation?
Question by coconutty beanz xD: Tips on making a list to a teacher who is writing my college recommendation? I’ll admit that I’m not close enough to any of my teachers for them to write me an… Continue reading →