Q&A: looking for anime movie making software?
Question by jace: looking for anime movie making software? i want some anime movie software (i dont care what the price is) whats the best stuff out there?
Best answer:
Answer by Big CWow that guy needs to… Continue reading
Q&A: How can I make a professional – looking movie, using limited resources?
Question by Sonya: How can I make a professional – looking movie, using limited resources? Hi, if anyone here goes/ has done the MYP program at an IB school, you will know what the personal project is. If you… Continue reading
Looking for some good Movie Making Software…?
Question by soosoostudio: Looking for some good Movie Making Software…? I usually use Windows Movie Maker… just for home videos of my kids, but I was wondering if there was some free (not DEMO) software out there that is… Continue reading
Is there a good website out there for looking up movie scripts?
Question by Apex01: Is there a good website out there for looking up movie scripts?
Best answer:
Answer by ravi swww.simplyscripts.com
I think it is enough.
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Looking for agent who will read unsolicitated scripts?
Question by djlaurso: Looking for agent who will read unsolicitated scripts? I have been trying to find an agency or an agent who is interested in reading my small portfolio of work I’ve done so far. I’ve basically had… Continue reading