
I bought the game The Movies i want to use it stricly to do machinima yet i cant find the movie making section

Question by JM R: I bought the game The Movies i want to use it stricly to do machinima yet i cant find the movie making section I recently bought the game “The Movies” plus the Expansion pack ive… Continue reading

DigitalPh33r’s Guide to Making Halo 3 Machinima: Part Two

HALO 3 : by DigitalPh33r The second part of DigitalPh33r’s guide to making Halo 3 machinima, explaining what you need to create machinima in terms of hardware and software, tips on setting up hardware and what software to use, and… Continue reading

Advanced Machinima Tutorials Episode 3: Camera Angles (Making Machinima) Click the above link to see the previous episode of Advanced Machinima Tutorials! Advanced Machinima Tutorials Episode 3: Camera Angles (Making Machinima) This third installment of our Advanced Machinima Tutorial series covers the various aspects of camera angles and… Continue reading

A Guide to Sims 2 Machinima – For beginners

*Watch it in High Quality, it’s easier to read the text* This was a quick collaboration tutorial project by myself, Oritasho, 4564gfghgf (Adfirmatio), and Kissesofrain. This is not intended to be a step by step guide to making the most… Continue reading

Machinima Script Contest Click here to watch One Life Remaining S02E01 (Halo 3 Machinima)! Machinima Script Contest ***Official Contest Rules**** 1. Scripts are to be e-mailed to before Monday June 7th at 11:59pm PST. 2. Accept file formats are: .doc, .docx,… Continue reading

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