What makes society obsessed with beautiful people?
Question by Miss K: What makes society obsessed with beautiful people? Where did it all start? Why did people and society become fond of beautiful people, we see it all the time in magazines, movies and tv but what… Continue reading
What makes a movie better, great special effects, or a great storyline?
Question by B B: What makes a movie better, great special effects, or a great storyline? Just your opinion Thank you all for the replies. One more question, if you do prefer movies with a great… Continue reading
How long do you think it will be until someone makes a movie called “The Godfather Part IV in 3D”?
Question by : How long do you think it will be until someone makes a movie called “The Godfather Part IV in 3D”? And who do you think will direct it?
Best answer:
Answer by TorsteinWhat evidence do we… Continue reading
Q&A: who makes more money movie producer or actor?
Question by : who makes more money movie producer or actor?
Best answer:
Answer by 0987654321234567890i think the movie producer
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What makes Teen magazines interesting?
Question by CCC: What makes Teen magazines interesting? What makes the Teens magazines interesting? Is movie star interview interesting for teens?
Best answer:
Answer by Asking Qeveryday life things…remembering what it was like to be a teenager and… Continue reading