What’s that movie called that makes fun of twilight?
Question by Joey Salvador: What’s that movie called that makes fun of twilight? …hunk of junk – I can’t even call it a “book” – is TERRIBLE… by HP6, but that… Continue reading
What makes the movie ‘Avatar’ so great?
Question by A drop of Nelson’s Blood: What makes the movie ‘Avatar’ so great? I just saw Avatar 3D and it was great – very cool movie. But everyone is talking about how it will change movies forever. What… Continue reading
Forgot movie title where man makes a copy of himself?
Question by gilmoregirl987: Forgot movie title where man makes a copy of himself? A man gets so busy so he decides to make a copy of himself. After awhile the copy… Continue reading
Do you believe the movie Avatar idealizes tribal culture, makes war a means to peace, and misrepresents nature?
Question by gossamer presents… Sarah!: Do you believe the movie Avatar idealizes tribal culture, makes war a means to peace, and misrepresents nature? I was reading an interesting review on a website, and here’s a piece of… Continue reading