
If the production budget of a movie is 200 million and the movie makes 125 million, did the movie lose money?

by Chris Devers

Question by Rod ROD: If the production budget of a movie is 200 million and the movie makes 125 million, did the movie lose money? I was just wondering if the 125 million domestic gross was… Continue reading

windows movie maker makes horrible sound when i play or make my movie from my personal camera?

Question by little bird: windows movie maker makes horrible sound when i play or make my movie from my personal camera? help please! i need to make this movie badly. its for my project. when i play or make… Continue reading

Q&A: Is there another program that I can download that makes movies other than Windows Movie Maker and it’s free?

by dougbelshaw

Question by dreamshadowcat: Is there another program that I can download that makes movies other than Windows Movie Maker and it’s free?

Best answer:

Answer by TalentedChimp

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Who makes Movie Posters in Egypt and around the World ?

by tmc – design haus

Question by Fadi Feddo: Who makes Movie Posters in Egypt and around the World ? Sure it’s many companies .. but if u can give me the name of this advertiseing agency … in… Continue reading

Q&A: what makes a movie 3d?

by Inkyhack

Question by AISHA M: what makes a movie 3d? is it just the glasses or does the movie actually have something???

Best answer:

Answer by meimsyNo, they actually adjust the picture of the film. You can’t… Continue reading

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