Q&A: what movie makes you go to sleep?
Question by Osufan: what movie makes you go to sleep? I was wondering what movies make you guys go to sleep when you’re extremely tired. You can name two movies if you’d like. The movies… Continue reading
To view 3D movies/TV do you have to have a special 3D projector/TV, or is it the movie that makes it 3D?
Question by Thank You: To view 3D movies/TV do you have to have a special 3D projector/TV, or is it the movie that makes it 3D?
Best answer:
Answer by MarcusNo you need a new expensive tv
Give… Continue reading
Q&A: The Movie Funny Games makes no sense?
Question by Catherine Y: The Movie Funny Games makes no sense? Can someone please explain to me why Funny Games is supposedly a good movie??? I see that there is probably some kind of sub-plot there… but i couldn’t… Continue reading
Movie review: Small Norwegian comedy makes big impression
Movie review: Small Norwegian comedy makes big impression Stellan Skarsgard as Ulrik in “A Somewhat Gentle Man.” It’s not easy to come by Norwegian films about sex, food and crime. At least not many that are also comedies. Read more… Continue reading
Knitter Makes A Difference By Creating ‘Warm Hats’
Knitter Makes A Difference By Creating ‘Warm Hats’ People all over the country were stunned when Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot. A woman from Minnetonka was no different. Read more on CBS Minnesota