Kracie – popin’ cookin’ #3 – Sushi candy making kit
(1) It is edible. No artificial colours. (grape flavored jello, gummi candy, soft candy). (2) The strainer I used at 2:38 is from Konapun #13 video. (3) It cost me 258 yen. 112 calories. Sushi en poudre. Nourriture japonaise.… Continue reading
Are they making all 4 Twilight movies?
Question by anne1021: Are they making all 4 Twilight movies? yes i know people have asked this before! just chill people, i know that they’re making new moon, but are they making the last 2? i just wanted to… Continue reading
Q&A: I need a good starter camera for movie making?
Question by Smarty: I need a good starter camera for movie making? I want to be able to manual focus during shooting the video. and to capture slow motion. and I don’t want to pay more… Continue reading
Pirates of the Caribbean Making of – Johnny Depp Interview 3
Johnny Depp in Jack Sparrow Costume Video Rating: 4 / 5
Q&A: What equipment would be good for making movies? Computers? Programs? Cameras?
Question by Joe Shmo: What equipment would be good for making movies? Computers? Programs? Cameras? I was thinking of getting a sony camera because they never really let you down. Any specifics?
What about a Macintosh computer? They’re so… Continue reading