Q&A: Was there any problems that occurred during the making of the first matrix movie?
Question by : Was there any problems that occurred during the making of the first matrix movie? Was there anything that went wrong that went wrong when they were making the movie that is note-able?
Best answer:
Answer by DMM1984… Continue reading
estimated cost for stop-motion puppet making? i need someone who works with stop-motion puppets?
Question by music man: estimated cost for stop-motion puppet making? i need someone who works with stop-motion puppets? hi, ive been speaking with a company that casts puppets for stop-motion movies, they dont specialize it that only, they do… Continue reading
Jobs that have to do with making films/actors/camera?
Question by Rose: Jobs that have to do with making films/actors/camera? I don’t really know what any jobs are, but I know im interested in the making of movies and tv shows, i was thinking camera operator, or maybe… Continue reading
(1977) The Making of Star Wars.
(1977) The Making of Star Wars. Video Rating: 4 / 5
One Direction: Year in the making PARTE 1 (Traducido al español)
PARTE 2: www.youtube.com PARTE 3: www.twitvid.com PARTE 4: www.youtube.com PARTE 5: www.twitvid.com Documental estrenado el 23/11/2011. EDITADO: Gracias por todos los comentarios, me alegra saber que les ha sido util. Subiré las otras partes lo más antes posible, por suerte… Continue reading